Friday Faves

Hello! It’s Friday my friends. Happy. Happy. Happy.

BLT Sandwich

One good thing from this week is I harvested my first tomato. The first of only 3 ripe frigging tomatoes from the one plant I planted because this year I am on a tomato farming strike. Apparently even one plant has proven a tomato farmer I am not. But a sandwich maker I AM! And it was time to savor that one ‘mater on a BLT.

That was the upside of the week.

The downside of the week? Well, there were a few.

Do things in your world seem to be misbehaving? Like even more than normal? Where people are a little less patient and a bit more short tempered? Or maybe you’ve had issues with your computer not behaving, your phone apps acting all wonky, and maybe even your cable TV or internet bleeping in and out of service?

Guess what folks? We are at the beginning of three hot weeks of Mercury in Retrograde.

I’m not one to totally engage in astrology or outer world mumbo jumbo, but Mercury in Retrograde is something I FULLY BELIEVE IN! It affects communication and electronics and basically makes things inexplicably go haywire. I’ve already had major computer issues, picked a fight for no reason with my daughter and my husband, had an unfortunate family emergency, and my whole head physically feels heavier like my brain is being weighing dowwwwwwn, almost like I’m under water.

Beam me up Scotty! I don’t wanna go down!

This is a brief explanation of how Mercury in Retrograde works and what it affects and some good tips for how to not become embroiled in the drama that you could unwittingly become involved in. (I especially like their suggestion of focusing on “RE”-things like reevaluate, renew, reunite rather than starting something new.)

So if you’re feeling a little off, or that super important email didn’t go through, or your car died at the front of the car wash line, don’t think it’s just you. It’s likely all of us being affected by the moon and the stars which calls for a lot more patience and kindness.

But then, what day doesn’t????

Tanner Park Salt Lake City Dog Park

Reset and Recharge With This FREE Guide

I’m fast realizing summer is nearly over and soon lazy Sunday barbecues will turn into super-focused Sunday meal prep for the week. That’s why I’m eager to make the most of the few weeks left.

I had so many grand plans written out on my Nourished Planner bucket list and I’ve yet to cross so many of them off my list. But instead of getting down on myself for not making time for myself and my goals, I’m simply reassessing and refocusing on what’s important.

There’s still time to capitalize on my natural summer rhythm. And you can too.

Download this FREE Summer Rhythms Guide to help create space and set boundaries and create balance to reach your goals by simply following your own natural rhythms.

Let’s keep summer sizzling with this week’s list of Friday Faves. Enjoy!(...)
Read the rest of Friday Faves (685 words)

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