Friday Faves

Hello Friday Faves friends. And happy almost Easter-egg-all-the-egg-salad-sandwich-eating days!

Two nights ago  I had the most wonderful visit with my grandparents. It was especially sweet because my Grandma MJ passed away nearly 14 years ago and my Grandpa Cal just 12 years ago. And yet, it was like we had never parted.  

They were the same as I remember them in the better stages of their latter days. Neither of them were in the most vibrant of health that I most often remember them as I was growing up. But instead, they were in their elderly years with those ghosted eye locks where you hope they’re recalling the same memories your are. Hey, I feel the same way most Tuesdays. 

I don’t have any idea why we were together. And as dreams go, I couldn’t tell you where we were. But there sat my stoic Grandpa, like I always remember him, quietly and proudly beaming as Grandma M.J. regaled stories that always ended with her best punch line and that amazingly infectious laugh as she engaged every eye in the room to be sure the rest of us were laughing with her.

It’s so weird. No matter what time of my life I was with them, my grandma’s storytelling times are my absolute most vivid memories of them. 

Okay, mom. You win the bet. I’m crying now. Jeeez. The Agricola bladder sits right behind our eyeballs.

As dreams go, we were somewhere I’ve never been before and couldn’t even tell you where. Neither of my grandparents were in their most vibrant of health, but in this dream they were every bit as real as I fondly remember them when.

Thank goodness for the power of memories. And recipes. Like my grandmas’s potato salad, fruit salad, now world-famous potato salad, roasted turkey breast for a crowd, and her famous chocolate fudge.

It’s just one more reason why we all need to take a step back and realize our family and friends won’t remember that most important report you emailed, or the new prospect you diligently spent days discovering. Nope. They’ll remember the smiles, the laughs, and the love notes, thoughts and feelings they were delivered with, not the paper they were printed on. Wait! Does anyone besides me even  print stuff on paper any more?? I may be the only reason Epson ink is still around!   

In the end, it was incredible to wake up and have created yet another vibrant, real memory of being with two of the most influential inspirations in my life again.  

I hope that one day, I too make the impression on others like my grandparents did on me, and leave a long lasting memory . Isn’t that all any of us can ever ask for?

Because why live for later? Today is the day to live for now. (...)
Read the rest of Friday Faves (551 words)

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